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Appropriate Golf Shoes

Are spiked golf shoes necessary?

When you are playing golf, you should use golf shoes. These are special shoes that are designed for golf. If you don’t use these types of shoes, you will hurt your feet and possibly even break your toes.

It’s also important that you use soft soled shoes. These can help your feet to grip the turf. They also provide a good grip on the ball. You should also make sure that the spikes on your golf shoes are sharp. You should buy a pair of spikes with a comfortable shoe that will fit your feet.

You will need to make sure that you replace the spikes on your shoes frequently. Your spikes should be replaced about once a year. If you are a beginner golfer, you may want to try using golf spikes instead of normal spikes on your shoes. These golf spikes may help you to learn how to play golf properly. If you do, you may find that it helps to improve your game.

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